Diaphragms are organs that separate the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. To get the maximum amount of oxygen when inhaling, the body will use breathing muscles including the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the main muscle used in the process of breathing and exhaling. The diaphragm is located below the chest cavity and is shaped like a muscular dome. These organs separate the heart and lungs from the abdominal organs (stomach, intestine, spleen, and liver). The body depends on contraction and movement of the diaphragm so that breathing can function normally. Diaphragm Function When breathing in, the breathing muscles in the chest cavity expand and the diaphragm will contract to become flatter. This makes it easy for air or oxygen to move into the lungs because the chest cavity pressure drops suddenly. Meanwhile, when exhaling, the diaphragm will relax until the size of the lungs also shrink. The air pressure in the chest cavity increases and air flows out. Besides being usefu...